Kate Middleton Pronebone Fuck Deepfakes Porn
- Duration: 3:55
- Views: 46K
- Submitted: 4 years ago
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- Popular Hot Celebs
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- MP4 360P, 8.8 MB
3 years ago
Playboy baby sex photos vedio
Rating: -1
4 years ago
This Video is indeed not bad. But it also has downs. The up, the Good Thing, the Positive, the Pro is: The Face looks real, I mean... it's not blurred. or distorted as it is with some other Deepfake Vidos.I believe it's not blurred because "Kate" is not moving very much in this Video. I guess and assume that's why it's a lot easier to... "switch" the Face, to put the Face of Kate onto the real Face. Because she is holding still most of the Time it's easier for the System to replace her Face, therefor it's not blurred. But the down, the Negative, the Con is: Why is there the Watermark near her Face. There are already "Links" almost everywhere in the Corners. Is that not enought. And if not, why couldn't "they" (whoever made this Video) place the Words: "a deep fake" in one of the other Corners of the Video. Why place it in the Middel near Kates Face. This is very disturbing and not good to look at. So... good on one Side bad on the other Side. The Deefake, this Deepfake is one of the better ones, with no blurred face. The Negative: The Big Watermark Words placed in the Middle of this Video. Not Good.
Rating: -1
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